Kristen musikk som debatt-tema i det lavkirkelige bedehus-Norge i perioden 1970–2010
The author of this article describes the discussions about the use of music within the Lutheran low-church movements in Norway from approximately 1970 to 2010. The right-wing side in these discussions had a so-called spirit-dogmatically rooted view. !ey argued that music is not spiritually neutral. Christians must warn against “modern music”. Their ideals were composers from times when music was made for Soli Deo Gloria - especially composers such as J. S. Bach. Other leaders – at various levels – had a more open view. !ey primarily saw music as an expression of gifts given by the Creator. !ey emphasised that we must be sensitive to various cultural changes and to people’s feelings and traditions. However, music must not be used in a provocative way. We must consider how people in the congregations experience the music. !e author also discusses the content of the lyrics in newer hymns and songs. His main point is that the biblical basis in the lyrics is more important than ever, and he looks forward to further discussions where the message of Christian songs is more in focus.
Opphavsrett 2024 Norsk tidsskrift for misjonsvitenskap

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