Fem majoritetskirkers avklaringer om forholdet til jødedom


  • Hans Morten Haugen


Documents and decisions from five churches are reviewed to assist in the elaboration of the relationships with Judaism and Jews, done by a committee of Church of Norway’s Bishops Conference and Council on Ecumenical and International Relations, to be submitted in 2023. Four of the churches, the Catholic Church, Evangelische Kirche Deutschland (EKD), Church of England (CoE) and the Church of Sweden, have distanced themselves from their previous theology. Romans 11:29 (“…God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable”) and Romans 11:33 (“his paths beyond tracing out!») are highlighted by these to emphasize God’s promises and that we do not know God’s plans for salvation. Most non-Catholic churches have taken inspiration from the Catholic Church. Although EKD has most clearly distanced itself from mission among Jews, it is worth noting that the Church of Sweden’s document the ways of God can be read as saying that evangelising Jews is inappropriate. 13 years after its publication, the Synod has asked all dioceses to implement the ways of God. The article finds that the CoE has succeeded well in strengthening the relationship with Jewish representatives, even though the chief rabbi called for a stronger condemnation from the CoE against evangelising Jews. The Church of Scotland has worked less with the relationship to Judaism, and has been most concerned with promoting an understanding that the promised land has a universal mission. Relations with Jewish representatives and with Palestinian representatives are affected by this.

